Welcome to this lesson on the MND Data platform!

What is MND Data?

MND Data is an in-house monitoring and information platform, covering the following themes:

Keep up to date with news from our competitors.

Discover our latest technological and industrial innovations.

Access articles on sustainable initiatives and best practices to strengthen our commitment to environmental responsibility.

Keep up to date with market developments and opportunities.

Within these 4 themes, MND Data allows you to find the latest news and archive reference documents.

Why use MND Data?

Find all the reliable, up-to-date information you need for your sector in just one click.

We centralize and archive market data for you on a single platform.

Stay at the forefront of innovation and anticipate trends.

How to use the platform

Click on the star to bookmark the tab on the MND Sharepoint space

Discover our latest publications

Browse news by category

Use the search bar to find news and documentation containing your keyword.

Find available documentation by zone and filter by division

Video tutorial