Welcome to this lesson dedicated to CYBERSECURITY.

In the digital age in which we live, cybersecurity has become an essential part of our daily lives, both personally and professionally.

Understanding the basics of cybersecurity is crucial to protecting your data and systems from potential threats.

Our Group is particularly targeted by hackers.
Industrial SMEs are particularly targeted, and for months now, France has been among the top 3 most attacked countries in the world! Not to mention the fact that we use a number of technologies that are particularly vulnerable to attack: Microsoft and SAP, to name but the best-known.

The risk of cyber-attacks is growing every day. 75% of attacks are carried out by e-mail, known as phishing.

This training, carried out by our partner AvantDeCliquer, a cybersecurity expert, is essential for all MND employees to protect themselves against this type of attack. It will also be beneficial in your personal life.

AVANT DE CLIQUER is a solution that helps organizations protect themselves against phishing, by raising user awareness over the long term.

You are invited to follow this e-learning module which will show you how to unmask a phishing attempt.

To access it, click on the photo opposite. (This is not phishing : )